The OSDU Data Model is comprised of various kinds of data. Each kind is a type, and has a corresponding schema that defines the attributes that may be present in any instance of that type. Kinds of data can span various categories of data that are typical in modeling upstream data, in particular: reference data, master data, work products, work product components, and datasets.
In the OSDU Data Model, Wells and Wellbores are modeled as master data. Their kinds are master-data--Well
and master-data--Wellbore
, respectively.
Each Wellbore is associated by reference to its corresponding Well. You can review details about a Well and/or each of its Wellbores by inspecting the attributes of the corresponding master data instance.
In the OSDU Data Model, Well Logs and Deviations are modeled as work product components. Their kinds are work-product-component--WellLog
and work-product-component--WellboreTrajectory
, respectively. Each WellLog and WellboreTrajectory is associated by reference to its corresponding Wellbore.
In the OSDU Data Model, the Well Log data for a WellLog work product component, and the deviation data for a WellboreTrajectory work product component are modeled as datasets. Each such dataset is referenced from the work product component that includes it. This separation is motivated by the wide variety of file formats, encodings, etc. that can be used to represent the underlying data for each kind of work product component. The schema and attributes for each kind of work product component is consistent across all of its instances, but the datasets associated with these instances can vary in their underlying kinds of files.
Let's say you want to identify all of the Wellbore Master Data instances for a Well you are interested in, whose ID you know. Let's use well 8040. You can use the following query to accomplish this. In each of the queries below, there is a "Kind" and a "Query". The Kind specifies the kind of result that you are looking for. Each of the results in the result set will match this Kind. The Query specifies what you want to be true about the attributes of each instance in the result set. You can see this query work by cutting and pasting the following values into the Management Console => Search interface within your Preview Deployment instance.
Return Wellbore Master Data Instances for Well with ID 8040
The query works because we're looking for Wellbore master data instances that refer to Well 8040 in their data.WellID
There can be multiple Wellbores associated with each Well. Well Logs and Trajectories are each associated to a single Wellbore of the Well.
Let's pick one of the Wellbores returned, say Wellbore 8051. You can use the following query to find all of the Trajectories that reference it:
Return Wellbore Trajectory Work Product Components associated with Wellbore ID 8051
You can see that there is only a single Trajectory associated with this Wellbore. From its data
attributes, you can also see information about the Trajectory:
"data": {
"Description": "Wellbore Trajectory",
"Name": "8051.csv",
"Datasets":[ "opendes:dataset--File.Generic:903968633182" ],
"ResourceSecurityClassification": "opendes:reference-data--ResourceSecurityClassification:RESTRICTED:",
"WellboreID": "opendes:master-data--Wellbore:8051:",
"TopDepthMeasuredDepth": 100,
"BaseDepthMeasuredDepth": 2860,
The deviation data is in the referenced file 8051.csv
. You can then use the OSDU Data Platform's dataset service to retrieve it using its id opendes:dataset--File.Generic:903968633182
Well Logs work in a similar manner. You can use the following query to find all of the Well Logs that reference Wellbore ID 8051:
Return Well Log Work Product Components associated with Wellbore ID 8051
You can see that there is a single Log File associated with this Wellbore. From its data
attributes, you can also see information about the Well Log:
"data": {
"Description": "Well Log"
"TopMeasuredDepth": 1840.5002
"Name": "F18-10-S1 LOG"
"Datasets": [ "opendes:dataset--File.Generic:975461612129" ]
"ResourceSecurityClassification": "opendes:reference-data--ResourceSecurityClassification:RESTRICTED:"
"WellboreID": "opendes:master-data--Wellbore:8051:"
"BottomMeasuredDepth": 2634.7004
"Curves": [
"DepthUnit": "opendes:reference-data--UnitOfMeasure:M:",
"Mnemonic": "GR",
"BaseDepth": 2634.7,
"TopDepth": 1840.5,
"CurveUnit": "opendes:reference-data--UnitOfMeasure:GAPI:"
Within the work product component instance, you can see basic information about the Well Log. The structure of this information will be the same, no matter the format of the underlying dataset that carries the curve data. Basic information about each of the curves within the well log is included in the work product component, so you can consistently understand which curves are present across which depths, and what units of measure the values within each curve is using. The curve data itself is available in the referenced dataset. You can use the OSDU Data Platform's dataset service to retrieve it using its id opendes:dataset--File.Generic:975461612129